Hannah Clarkson

Hannah Clarkson är 26 år och kommer från Storbritannien. Hon har bott i Stockholm några år och är verksam som skulptör och spoken word-poet. Imorgon får du chansen att höra henne läsa dikter på AKT UNG 2017!

Part VIII 

Rock pleats like baked bread
and swims not one iota
down the craggy, sinking
bank. Catamaran crashes,
steamliner, and crates bend
sideways under expectant
bow-tied weight. You were
reading the Classics, you said,
cruising narrow channels
and skimming well-trod canons
under shimmied Cuban heels.
Shoe-shined, well worn,
misremembered indexes of the
life you never had. I danced
with you, and you stood still
as a statue then, solid and
stocky, me in my stockinged feet.
I whispered, tiptoed motionless
on water so clear it clouded
secrets, and we drifted
ominous onwards, the
upthrust of it yet unknown.


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